Multiple Intelligences
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Multiple Intelligences
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Headline: Practice: Engaging the Intelligences

Icon: Musical intelligenceMusical

People who are strong in the musical intelligence like the rhythm and sound of language. They like poems, songs, and jingles. They enjoy humming or singing along with music.

Here are ways to work with this intelligence in your lessons:

  • Use a familiar tune, song, or rap beat to teach spelling rules, or to remember words in a series for a test.

  • Create a poem with an emphasis on certain sounds for pronunciation.

  • Clap out or walk out the sounds of syllables.

  • Read together (choral reading) to work on fluency and intonation.

  • Read a story with great emotion — sad, then happy, then angry. Talk about what changes — is it only tone?

  • Work with words that sound like what they mean (onomatopoeia). For example: sizzle, cuckoo, smash.

  • Read lyrics to music.

  • Use music as background while reviewing and for helping to remember new material.

  • Use rhymes to remember spelling rules, i.e., "I before E except after C."



Brewer, Chris and Campbell, D., Rhythms of Learning, Zephyr Press, Arizona, 1991.

Graham, Carolyn, Jazz Chants, Oxford University Press, England, 1978.

Kay, Cathryn, Word Works, The Yolla Bolly Press, California, 1985.

Kline, Peter, The Everyday Genius, Great Ocean Publishers, Virginia, 1988.

Rose, Colin, Accelerated Learning, Accelerated Learning Systems United, England, 1985.

Samples, Bob, Open Mind/Whole Mind, Jalmar Press, California, 1987.


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