Multiple Intelligences
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Multiple Intelligences
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Headline: Practice: Additional Strategies

Using Music in Lessons:
General Tips About Using Music

Before you use music in your lessons, know it well. Know how it changes, where the tempo picks up or where the emotional tonality changes.

It's important to use music to support what you're doing, but be careful that it doesn't overpower the experience.

Be very familiar with the audio equipment you use. The more smoothly you can operate it, the more smoothly the whole process will go.

Experiment as much as possible with combining music with words. Find out what works for you. Give yourself plenty of time to rehearse.

Types of Music
Accelerated Learning Systems, PO Box 140147, Dallas TX, 75214, has developed a set of classical and baroque tapes that are used in that program. They're emphasis is on classical and baroque music, but many modern pieces lend themselves well to music for relaxation, guided imagery and concerts. Lane Wass in her book, Imagine That!, recommends the works of Paul Winter, especially Common Ground and Canyon from Living Music, along with the work of George Winston. She also recommends Kitaro's work, especially Tunhuang and India, as well as Andreas Vollenweider's work, especially White Winds.

Next page: Guided Imagery

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